Open Source Work
There’s many aspects of the ecosystem surrounding open-source software that I think are problematic.
But the core principle behind open-source: the idea of making source code publicly available for other people to read, learn from, use and improve, is something that I love!
Here are some of my own open-source projects and contributions I’ve made through the years:
- My Dotfiles ‐ collection of scripts and configuration files I use for my daily programming work.
- Instafeed.js ‐ A simple Instagram JavaScript plugin for your website.
- Metalsmith-Sass ‐ Sass plugin for Metalsmith.
- RNCryptor-Go ‐ Go implementation of Rob Napier's RNCryptor encryption format.
- Inkplate ‐ My (no-longer used) headless blogging engine that emulates the Wordpress API.
- Honukai Blink Theme ‐ adapation of the Honukai iTerm Theme for Blink.
Contributions by Year
- 99designs/gqlgen#2789 ‐ Small docs correction GQLGen, a Go GraphQL framework.
- vadimcn/codelldb#971 ‐ Small typo correction for VSCode LLDB extension.
- apollographql/federation#1298 ‐ Bug fix for Apollo's Federated GraphQL library.
- Addepar/ember-table#592 ‐ Minor correction to library's TypeScript type definitions.
- sakuraapi/core#153 ‐ Upgraded MongoDB support for Sakura web framework.
- mapbox/mapbox-unity-sdk#467 ‐ Small feature addition to Mapbox's Unity SDK.
- wikimedia/wikipedia-ios#1067 ‐ Bug fix for Wikipedia's iOS app.
- jdtornow/challah#26 ‐ Bug fix for Challah, a Rails authentication library.
- resque/resque#1067 ‐ Bug fix for Resque, a Ruby queuing library.
- rnmp/salvattore#121 ‐ Bug fix for Salvatorre, a JS masonry library.
- skatejs/skatejs#81 ‐ Installation script fix for SkateJS, a custom web components library.
- willfarrell/alfred-pkgman-workflow#35 ‐ Updates to Alfred workflow for Docker.
- segmentio/nightmare#16 ‐ Small feature addition to Nightmare, a headless browser library for JavaScript.
- metalsmith/remove#1 ‐ Bug fix for Metalsmith core plugin.
- zenorocha/alfred-workflows#52 ‐ Updates to Alfred workflow for Dash.
- TryGhost/roon-i18n#3 ‐ French localization addition to Roon blogging platform.